Hazardous Environments - 3.3 (Preparation for Earthquakes, Emergency Responses, Long-term Planning)

Preparation for Earthquakes


  • Weather stations - Track the movement of storms and out the data together to form predictions
  • Weather satellites - They show cloud formations, large weather events and other global weather systems
  • Radars - Measure reflected sound waves; give information about the speed and direction of an object's movement


  • Have proper building design to minimize damage to property
  • Location of settlements should be confined to areas that are safe
  • Have a reliable warning system (radio, TV, SMS)
  • Make sure people are properly educated

Emergency Responses

  • Getting people and bodies out of affected areas
  • Clear away subtle and debris
  • Restore basic services
  • Provide medical help and counselling
  • Organize distribution of food, water and clothing
  • Set up shelters
  • Provide transport

Long-Term Planning

  • Reassessing risks
  • Improving warning systems
  • Improving arrangements for the delivery of emergency aid
  • Make buildings hazard-proof
  • Give greater protection to certain at-risk locations
  • Update hazard risk maps
  • Make public aware of emergency procedures


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