

Superpower Tension

  • All the tensions that had grown up between the USSR and the US, with Kennedy's promise to be tough on the USSR, the space race, nuclear testing, the US' funding of anti-communists in Vietnam and Laos, the failed Vienna Summit (1961) and the Berlin Wall.

Fidel Castro

  • IN 1959, Fidel Castro took over Cuba. He nationalized American companies, in retaliation to the Americans refusing to trade with Cuba because in 1960 Castro made an agreement with the USSR that the Cubans would send sugar in exchange for oil, machines and money.

Bay of Pigs

  • In April 1961, the CIA encouraged, funded and transported anti-Castro Cuban exiles to invade Cuba. It failed miserably and made Kennedy look like a naive idiot. So in 1961, Castro aked the USSR and the USSR publicly promised-weapons to defend Cuba against America.


May 1962: USSR declares support to Cuba with arms.
Sunday, October 14th, 1962: U2 spy planes fly over Cuba and reports that missiles are in Cuba.
Tuesday, October 16th, 1962: Kennedy informed of missiles in Cuba and had the following choices:
  • Do nothing
  • Surgical air attack
  • Invasion
  • Blockade
  • Diplomatic Pressure (UN)
Sunday, October 20th, 1962: Blockade on Cuba ordered
Monday, October 22nd: Kennedy announced the blockade and called the USSR to withdraw their missiles.
Wednesday, October 24th: Blockade begins.
Thursday, October 25th: Missiles keep on being built in Cuba by the USSR, and very quickly.
Friday Cobber 26th: Kennedy receives a letter from Khrushchev offering to take away the missiles in Cuba if the US removes the blockade and doesn't invade Cuba.
Sunday, October 28th: Kennedy replies agrees.


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