
Disarmament Conference

  • In February 1932 the long promised Disarmament Conference finally got underway.
  • By July 1932 it produced resolutions to prohibit bombing of civilian populations, limit the tonnage of tanks and prohibit chemical warfare.

German Disarmament 

  • Most people agreed that Germany should be treated fairly.
  • The questions was should everyone disarm to Germany's level or should Germany arm to everyone else's level?
July 1932: Germany proposed to all countries to disarm down to its level. They refused, Germany walked out.
September 1932: British sent the Germans a note with a superior tone saying they would somewhat agree to equality. This further angered Germany.
December 1932: An agreement was finally reached to treat Germany equally.
January 1933: Germany announced it was coming back to the conference and Hitler became Chancellor of Germany.
February 1933: Hitler started rearming secretly.
May 1933: Hitler promised to to rearm Germany if 'in five years all other nations destroyed their arms.'
June 1933: Britain produced an ambitious disarmament plan, but it failed to gain support.
October 1933: Hitler withdrew from the Disarmament Conference, and soon took Germany out of the League.


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