
Showing posts from May, 2019

International Agreement in the 1920s

Washington Conference - 1921 USA, Britain, France and Japan agreed to limit the size of their navies. Rapallo Treaty - 1922 USSR and Germany re-established diplomatic relations. Dawes Plan - 1924 The USA lent money to Germany to help pay its reparations bill. Locarno Treaties - 1925 Germany accepted it western borders as set out in the Treaty of Versailles. This paved the way for Germany to join the League of Nations. Kellog-Briand Pact 65 countries agreed to not use force to settle disputes. Young Plan - 1929 Reduced Germany's reparations payments.


Disarmament Conference In February 1932 the long promised Disarmament Conference finally got underway. By July 1932 it produced resolutions to prohibit bombing of civilian populations, limit the tonnage of tanks and prohibit chemical warfare. German Disarmament  Most people agreed that Germany should be treated fairly. The questions was should everyone disarm to Germany's level or should Germany arm to everyone else's level? July 1932:  Germany proposed to all countries to disarm down to its level. They refused, Germany walked out. September 1932: British sent the Germans a note with a superior tone saying they would somewhat agree to equality. This further angered Germany. December 1932: An agreement was finally reached to treat Germany equally. January 1933: Germany announced it was coming back to the conference and Hitler became Chancellor of Germany. February 1933: Hitler started rearming secretly. May 1933: Hitler promised to to rearm Germany if &#

League of Nations

Founded on January 10th 1920 by Woodrow Wilson coming from the Paris Peace Conference.  Membership of the League France           1919-1945                                     This only shows the most powerful countries. More  Britain           1919-1945                                     than 50 other countries were also members. Italy               1919-1937 Japan           1919-1933 Germany      1926-1933 USSR            1934-1939 USA               never joined :/ Aims of the League S top War I mprove the lives the jobs of people D emilitarisation E nforce the Treaty of Versailles Why wasn't the USA part of the League? Isolationism: Americans didn't want to go into another war, and didn't want to end up solving Europe's every little conflict. Anti-imperialism: Some people were afraid that the League would be dominated by Britain and France and would have to defend their respective empires, and they were against empires. Treaty of Vers

Peace Treaties 1919-1923

Treaty of Versailles The conference:  Delegates from 23 countries met in January 1919 in Paris to make peace after WW1. "The Big Three": Georges Clemenceau (Prime Minister of France), David Lloyd George (Prime Minister of Britain) and Woodrow Wilson (President of the United States). Clemenceau wanted to destroy Germany so it could never attack France again; to have Germany return Alsace - Lorraine to France; an independent Rhineland, huge reparations an to disband army. Lloyd George wanted a 'just' peace that would be tough enough to satisfy the electors who wanted Germany to pay, but would leave Germany strong enough to trade and wanted land for Britain's empire (German colonies) and to decrease the Germany navy.  Wilson wanted to end the war and prevent future wars by creating a League of Nations based on the Fourteen Points, to ensure Germany wasn't completely destroyed and to not blame Germany.  Terms of the Treaty of Versailles War Gui